Management & Regulations

Welcome to the Management and Regulations category, your comprehensive source for guidance on governance, compliance, policy implementation, and operational oversight. Here, you’ll find the tools and insights needed to navigate the complexities of managing your organisation while adhering to industry standards and regulatory requirements.

(2022) After School Club Resources to Follow

The best after school clubs give their kids a chance to explore new things, meet new children and gain confidence. As an after school program doesn’t have to meet certain learning criteria that are required during regular school hours, you can be creative when finding ways to enhance their development and inspire them in new ways.

Budget-Friendly Ways to Start an Out of School Club

Embarking on the adventure of starting an out of school club can be a rewarding journey. It’s not just about giving kids exciting activities to dive into after the school bell rings; it’s about creating a vibrant community hub that brings a sense of togetherness and joy. If you’re passionate about making a difference but are working with a tight budget, don’t worry! Here are a few tips to help you kickstart your club, proving that big hearts—and not big budgets—make all the difference in crafting a space where children can thrive, explore, and belong.