Looking for a new booking system?

If you’re on the lookout for a new booking and admin system for your out of school club, you’re in the right place.

Kids Club HQ is designed and built for out of school clubs, including:

  • Breakfast and After School Clubs
  • Holiday Clubs/Camps
  • Sports/Extra-curricular clubs

Quick to set up

There’s a free trial so that you can check that Kids Club HQ is right for you before you commit. If you need some help getting set up, we can jump on a video call to help you through it.

We can also import the parent’s and children’s information so that they’re set up ready to go.

If you’re ready to try us out now, you can set up your free trial by clicking this link and filling in the forms.


The system is available 24x7 for you to work on the admin and for parents to make bookings.

We pride ourselves on the uptime for Kids Club HQ. Maintenance is carried out late in the evening or on the weekend wherever possible to avoid disruption.

Top class support

Once you start your trial and throughout your subscription with Kids Club HQ we’ll be on hand to help you with any questions or problems you experience.

We have a wealth of knowledge base articles to help you with common tasks and you can raise a support ticket for your questions/problems by email or in our support system directly.

No lengthy contracts

If, after your free trial, you decide you’d like to use Kids Club HQ, you can sign up to Kids Club HQ for a monthly subscription or for an annual subscription. It’s up to you.

"I absolutely love it, the time, paper and pressure saved by joining Kids Club HQ has been unbelievable. I love it, the staff love it, and most importantly, the parents love it"

Beki Bulmer
Owner and Manager
PT Childcare

Ready to switch to a better, more reliable booking system?

See how your club could run smoothly with Kids Club HQ.

Join a demo session or, if you're ready to get started, why not set up your free trial now?