What are contracts in kids club HQ?

It’s common for some clubs, particularly After School Clubs and Breakfast Clubs, for children to attend on the same days every week. In this case, the club will usually invoice the parent for the sessions that their child attends each month or each half term rather than the parent requesting a new booking each time.

In Kids Club HQ, this type of regular booking is called a contract.

What is a contract in Kids Club HQ?

A contract defines the days and sessions that a child (or children) attends the club. Parents can request contracts which are then approved by a club administrator (or rejected if required).

The contracts are used as a kind of template for bookings which are created as part of the automatic invoicing.

Contracts can be viewed in the Contracts area of the Kids Club HQ administration system.

How does automatic invoicing work?

Invoices are automatically sent to parents with contracts based on the invoicing schedule that is set up. The schedule can be configured with multiple options, for example:

  • What the invoice period is, e.g. monthly, per half term, etc…
  • Send the invoices in advance of the invoice period or at the end of the period
  • Send the invoices a number of days before the start of the period or on a particular day of the month before/after the invoice period (depending on whether the invoices are sent in advance or arrears)

At the configured time, the system will automatically create a booking to cover the invoice period that is being invoiced for. This booking will include all the sessions for the days in that invoice period based on the contract.

The bookings created when invoices are generate can be viewed in the Bookings area of the Kids Club HQ administration system.