Discover how to invoice and get paid without wasting hours every month

perfect invoicing process Are you an out of school club manager that’s currently spending too much time on invoicing and chasing parents for payment?

Do you dread having to do the invoicing and feel frustrated and annoyed when you do?

You might be thinking that there has to be a better way but you’re not sure what it is. You know that you need to establish a process but you aren’t sure where to start.

You might hear from others that they’ve tried to solve this but they’re still dealing with the problem and default to their old inefficient ways.

This is important stuff - you need to get paid to keep your business running.

Here’s what we think is the next step. We call it the Perfect Invoicing Process.

In this 13 page guide, you’ll learn:

  • How to plan an invoicing schedule and build a repeatable process
  • How to get your invoices right
  • How to chase late payers

Just fill in the form below to download this free guide and start building your Perfect Invoicing Process.