How to limit booking to children in particular classes

There might be an occasion where you need to set a limit for a club based on which class a child is in. 

Please note: limiting by class is only available if you have turned on the capture of class for children in your system and the classes are selected from a list. Please see the support article, How to capture school, year group and/or class for a child, for more details.

To do this, the first step is to head to your dashboard and when in here, head to the Administration tab along the top.

Once in here, you should select the Clubs view from the sidebar. Once in here, you'll need to locate the club in which you'd like to set the age limit for. You can do this by scrolling down the list, or by using the search box to type the name of the club in.

When you've located the club you'd like to set an age limit for, select the View button.  You'll then be taken to a screen to view this club, in the top right hand corner you'll see a button Club Actions.... Click this then click Change Child Booking Limits....

A new view will then appear.

Select School class limit as the limit you would like to set.

You can then click the Add... button to add additional classes to the list that are valid for bookings for this club. If you need to remove a class from the list, click the red Remove button.

Click the Save Limits button to save the class limit for this club.